Well, things are happening....although sometimes it feels like the wheels grind slowly. Waiting is weird. I'm riding the teeter-totter between the ants in my pants and an extreme desire to take a nap. This process is rush, rush, rush when there are things for us to do....and wait, wait, wait when there are things for the 'powers that be' to do. My goal is to float through the process with such calm serenity that I'll fly to Ethiopia with Oil of Olay model skin, instead of adding a crop of new worry wrinkles between now and then. I have a sneaking suspicion thAT sprinkled among my smooth-browed Olay moments will be a few "SERENITY NOW!!' moments too...OK, maybe more than a few.... The news is this: One of the pieces of our homestudy is official clearance from every state we've lived in since the age of 18 stating that we're not child abusers. Apparently Michigan and Florida have a much smoother system than Pennsylvania. I ...
What if your dreams are possible? Borrow my confidence in you until you find your own.