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Showing posts from June, 2011

not alone

I can't tell you what an encouraging week this has been.  I'm bursting with stories to tell. It's also been a busy week.  Each night, by the time I'm in the same room with the computer I'm so tired that any story I might write would need a translator to be understood.  But I'm finding that when I'm too tired to even tell about it, God keeps working - it's just amazing to watch. Sunday, Scott preached a great sermon about adoption.  The topic was obviously prompted by what's happening in our life right now.  We've been feeling the need to dig deeper into the theology of adoption and really try to get our heads around what God has done for us as His adopted children.  Adoption is such a beautiful picture of our relationship with God....but that is a topic for another post, it's too big to handle here.  After the service, we had some great conversations around our small group table with friends sharing personal adoption stories.  And...