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not alone

I can't tell you what an encouraging week this has been.  I'm bursting with stories to tell. It's also been a busy week.  Each night, by the time I'm in the same room with the computer I'm so tired that any story I might write would need a translator to be understood.  But I'm finding that when I'm too tired to even tell about it, God keeps working - it's just amazing to watch.

Sunday, Scott preached a great sermon about adoption.  The topic was obviously prompted by what's happening in our life right now.  We've been feeling the need to dig deeper into the theology of adoption and really try to get our heads around what God has done for us as His adopted children.  Adoption is such a beautiful picture of our relationship with God....but that is a topic for another post, it's too big to handle here.  After the service, we had some great conversations around our small group table with friends sharing personal adoption stories.  And before we left church, we had been handed an envelope.  I stuck it in my Bible along side the 62 bulletins that had collected there and carried it home.  Later that afternoon, Scott asked me if I had opened that envelope....have to admit that I forgot it was there but quickly retrieved it.  Here's what I found:

"not alone" 
on the front of a card with the silhouette of a child holding his arms up 
these words inside...

"Pastor Scott and Lori
We wanted to encourage you
in a small way as you follow what you
believe God is leading you to do
by adopting an orphan.
You are not alone as you continue
down this path, because we are
praying on your behalf
that God will prove His love and direction
to you."

The card came from our Bible study class with a stack of twenties in it.  I don't think they could have said anything that would have put more courage into our hearts. I'm not sure that there are words to express the feelings of having a church family that feels so much like family.

And mailbox is beginning to feel like the holy of holies to me.  This time Scott got there first and had the mail in his lap when he pulled into the driveway.  I was outside trying to clear the driveway of toys and chairs so he could get to the garage, which was why I saw his face frozen in shock.  I think that moment will forever be frozen in time in my mind.  The return address held the name of a friend from my past.  We've recently reconnected because she's an adoptive mom.  She was the person God brought to my mind right at the beginning of this whole thought process as a place to go for advice and help.  Her advice and encouragement provided some of the final direction that helped us say an emphatic "yes" and have the courage to start walking toward Ethiopia.  Scott held out the contents of the envelope.  Here's what I found:

a note with these words

Scott & Lori-
Do you know what fun it is to have God filter some of
the blessing through my bank account to go to His storehouse to be poured out on you for the beauty of adoption???
Perhaps someday He will show us all the changed lives that
your faithful step has wrought.
So happy!

and a check...for $1000

I can't wait to be in her shoes someday, being the voice and checkbook of Jesus as He's calling other families to adoption.  Sweet friend, you're an inspiration to me!

God's proving Himself, isn't He, friends??!  He's powerful, He's mighty, He's tender and He's active on our behalf.  Unbelievable!


  1. Wow... It's amazing how when we ask for help God provides it in abundant ways through our family. I have a friend who adopted from Ethiopia and he's the most beautiful boy I've ever seen. Lot's of health issues, and it's so nice to know that we live in the land of abundance and medical help for these children. The church should adopt more! It's a huge need that isn't being addressed, so I'm so glad that your church IS addressing it! :)
    Love and blessings to you...


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